Futuro on arkkitehti Matti Suurosen suunnittelema ellipsin muotoinen muovitalo, jossa kiteytyvät 1960-luvun lopun avaruusajan arkkitehtuurin ja designin kokeelliset muodot, uudet materiaalit ja optimistiset ideat.

”Pentti Sairanen of Mirador Studios is a Finnish VR Tour Photographer who has created a very cool VR Tour of the WeeGee Futuro. The VR Tour can be accessed online on the mirador360.fi website.
Our thanks to Pentti for creating this great tour. We found it to be one of the best reminders we have come across of our own visit to WeeGee back in 2014 and we think it can give a great perspective of the WeeGee Futuro to those who have never actually had the opportunity to visit.
The Futuro House– Simon & Robyn, Mr. and Mrs. Futuro.